Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Elvis bath finally has a sink...

It only took me a year to buy a sink and vanity for the Elvis bathroom. But at least I've finally done it right?
It's harder than it sounds. First, vanities are WAY overpriced. The less-expensive ones look like bland icky stuff you'd see in a crappy rental, not a rad ranch. And, I spent many weekends looking for a vintage 1950s sink to put in that room. Add in that my bathroom is incredibly small, and my searching was all for naught.

On a whim, I popped by Home Depot Sunday during the Superbowl. (It's always good to shop when everyone else is watching a game!) And there it was. The perfect vanity. Mod. Good looking. And even better. ON SALE. and not normal sale. It's a $269 vanity on clearance for $99. Sold!

(Sorry for the tiny pic. it's the only one I could find.)

Sadly, faucets cost more than that as I discovered while shopping. Geesh, why do they cost so much? I finally settled on a $98 chrome faucet. And that was the cheapy one. Oh well. It means the Elvis bath, by the end of the week, will finally be a fully functioning half bathroom. No more handwashing in the kitchen sink. Now, I just need more Elvises...

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