Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The basement is wrecked still...

The basement is wrecked, still...

I always start out with good intentions. Get the basement started. I'll be able to finish it...and hang the new towel racks in the bathroom...and repaint the kitchen...and find a new vanity for the half bath.... and... You get the idea. The half finish projects list just keeps growing. It's not like I'm sitting around watching TV, doing nothing. I am perpetually overbooked-- leave the house at 9 a.m. and not home in bed until midnight. I'm left to paint and primp and install in the odd hours when I'm not supposed to be somewhere else.

I did manage to get a little bit more done on the basement. Mostly just removing the cardboard boxes the new sofa came in and moving two of the four bookcases grandpa made me into place. They still have to be attached to the wall and I have to stain the shelves, but hey, little victories right? It will all be very cool when it's finished. As you can see from the pictures, it's far from glamorous so far! The dropcloth for the woodstain is still on the floor, wires are everywhere, and no shelves or books yet on the cases. They are very cool though. They were built using this free pattern for built-in bookcases. We just altered it a bit so they were freestanding. The only thing standing between me and a (mostly) finished basement is a husband who is reluctant to sand and stain the remaining two bookcases. Wish me luck with that....•

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